Partnership with colleagues in education is fundamental to all of our programmes, whether that is working together on delivery, certification or research and evaluation.
- Delivery:
All of our work with young people is delivered in partnership with schools, academies, colleges or Pupil Referral Units. We are currently working with 200 primary and secondary schools/academies across England, Wales and Scotland, as well as with Local Authorities and Colleges. We are often commissioned to work with students by the Headteacher or Senior Leadership Team in order to help young people take their next steps in education confidently and successfully. We then work closely with our teaching colleagues to co-ordinate and deliver programmes that enrich and supplement the curriculum or provide alternative education provision. -
We deliver nationally accredited qualifications that fit with bespoke programme requirements. At primary level, certificated awards include British Heart Foundation’s Heart Start, Playmaker and the National Navigation Award Scheme ‘Young Navigator’ awards.
At secondary level this includes BTEC, Pearson, ASDAN, Sport and Active Leisure, Public Services and Work Skills, NCFE, Uniformed Services and Public Services and National Navigation Award Scheme (NNAS) Bronze, Silver and Gold levels.
We are also proud to be partnering with OCR on our latest employability skills programme, ‘Your Future’. -
Research and Evaluation:
We are now working with the University of Birmingham’s Jubilee Centre for Character & Virtues to advise on the further development of our SkillForce Prince’s Awards.